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Aug. 22nd - Oct. 5th | 5:00p.m - 6:00p.m.


The Compound Athletics

Aug - OCT | 3rd- 4th Grade | Jr. Pistons Devlopmental League College Division

Our Jr. Pistons league is a developmental league looking to help kids work on the fundamentals of the game along with working not he IQ portion the game. We are help to kids become better athletes along the way also with our unique practices as this is not just a roll the ball out type of league

Time & Location

Aug. 22nd - Oct. 5th | 5:00p.m - 6:00p.m.

The Compound Athletics, 43655 Utica Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48314, USA


BOYS & GIRLS, GRADES 3rd - 4th

Practice on Mondays 

Times: 5:00 - 6:00pm

Games on Wednesdays

Times: 5:00 - 6:00pm

  • 3/4th Grade - College Division

    Tax: +$10.20 Sales Tax+$4.51 service fee



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